Endometrial Cancer Symptoms and Treatment – What to Do – Sharyn Lewin MD
https://youtu.be/vRO0SfUwjeIEndometrial cancer results in approximately 60,000 cases per year, primarily in post-menopausal women past the age of 60, though it can take place in younger patients, as we learn from survivor Kristen Foreman here. Sharyn Lewin, MD, Director of Gynecologic Oncology at the Holy Name Medical Regional Cancer Center in Teaneck, New Jersey, educates about […]
Dental Care Changes with Menopause – What You Need to Know – Sarah Chavarria CEO Delta Dental
https://youtu.be/BSjoIGzvKvY Did you know over one third of women say their oral health has declined as they have grown older, starting at the age of 40? As women age and begin menopause, oral health and hygiene become increasingly important. A change in hormone levels during menopause can cause gums to become swollen, irritated and more […]
Women Over 40: Is it Menopause? Alzheimers? Or am I Just Going Crazy!? – Debra Muth, ND
Menopause Symptoms Relief with Holistic Medicine So many women suffer from symptoms of menopause for three reasons: They don’t realize it’s coming on, or believe they are too young for it. Their conventional provider is not offering effective remedies They don’t want to fill themselves with prescription drugs and believe there are not better options. […]
Natural Fertility Breakthrough: Overcoming infertility & recurrent miscarriage with Gabriela Rosa ND MPH
Are you, or do you know someone, who is having trouble with fertility or multiple miscarriages? Our guest is Gabriela Rosa, ND MPH is a Naturopathic Doctor in Sydney Australia who sees patients virtually world-wide. Over the last 2 decades Gabriela has helped thousands of couples create their fertility breakthrough and overcome infertility and recurrent […]