Adaptive vs Maladaptive Impulsivity – Jaanus Harro MD PhD – New Brain Nutrition

Adaptive and Maladaptive Impulsivity Jaanus Harro New Brain Nutrition

The New Brain Nutrition project, a consortium of 18 European University Hospitals, has conducted clinical research on how lifestyle and nutrition effect mental health. Jaanus Harro, MD PhD, Professor of Psychophysiology at the University of Tartu, discusses the longitudinal research (following participants from 15 years of age until 35 years) he had conducted on what […]

01-1 ADHD Facts from Worldwide Research – Stephen V Faraone PhD

ADHD facts from worldwide research

This World Federation of ADHD International Consensus of 208 Conclusions about the ADHD challenges the misconceptions about ADHD. The empirically supported statements are approved by 80 authors from 27 countries on 6 continents. Read the full content of the ADHD International Consensus Statement

01-3 ADHD Patient Education and Reminders via 2-way Texting – mysofia Joseph Biederman MD

(Simple Online Family Intervention for ADHD) SOFIA is an evidence-based health intervention to support families of children with ADHD. SOFIA sends reminders and educational messages about your child’s medication and treatment, how to handle daily activities, school, family relationships, and ADHD in general. A customized personal experience, SOFIA sends reminders and educational messages about your […]