Overactive Bladder – Is it Controlling Your Life? – Holly Robinson Peete

https://youtu.be/t4vy1hno3YQ Do you have to find a bathroom to go pee more often than you like? About 30% of men and 40% of women in the US have a condition that’s called Overactive Bladder, or OAB. The numbers may be much higher because a lot of people think this is just part of aging and don’t […]
Surviving the Holidays with Food Allergies – Need to Know for 2024 – Shahzad Mustafa, MD

https://youtu.be/SWDqdgNlFng Food allergies are on the rise the past 20 years, with 200,000 patients requiring emergency care for food-based allergic reactions annually. With the Holidays coming up, and many of us surrounded by food allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, egg, seeds, soy, we need to know what we are eating and what to […]
Critical Shortage of Cancer Drugs- Why and What You Can Do – ASCO Carolyn Hendricks MD

https://youtu.be/v8gVWDDtgPU The FDA is reporting the worst cancer drug shortage in three decades – preceding the Covid 19 Pandemic. Why? Generic drugs are now manufactured mostly overseas, and there is a shortage of qualified drug manufacturers. All U.S. medical institutions are scrambling to acquire these drugs in shorty supply, whether they be large medical institutions, […]
Doctors Learn New Ways to Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke – Philip Nimoityn, MD FACC

https://youtu.be/orE9sWIu-ok Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and to treat cardiovascular disease effectively, cardiologists must aggressively reduce both inflammation and cholesterol in their patients. Heart disease can include weakening of the muscles of the heart, heart valves working improperly, or inflammation of the vascular system. In this video Philip Nimoityn, MD, […]