How Vaccines Safeguard Against Vulnerability – The Measles Outbreak and MMR Vaccine

How Vaccines Safeguard Against Vulnerability - The Measles Outbreak and MMR Vaccine

How Vaccines Safeguard Against Vulnerability – The Measles Outbreak and MMR Vaccine In recent years, the resurgence of measles has once again spotlighted the critical role that vaccines play in safeguarding public health. Measles, a highly contagious viral disease, can lead to severe health complications and even death, particularly among vulnerable populations. The Centers […]

Stay Safe Over the Holidays with Vaccines – Nandini Selvam PhD and Michelle Fiscus MD

Stay Safe over the Holidays with Vaccines - Nandini Selvam PhD and Michellle Fiscus MD we say at this time of year, Tis the Season! Tis the season for flu, pneumonia, RSV and COVID-19. Don’t let these illnesses ruin your end-of-year holidays and celebrations. The good news is vaccines help reduce the risk of severe illness, particularly for older adults who are at greater risk for complications and reduce […]

Is the FLU more Deadly than You Think? Leah Smith PharmD CDC GSK

Is the Flu More Deadly than You Think? Leah Smith PharmD CDC GSK Each year, the CDC reports more than 500,000 hospitalizations due to flu (influenza) and life-threatening complications, and 50,000 deaths.   Flu season runs from September to May.  It’s important you get vaccination each year.  Why?  Because the flu virus mutates frequently.  Scientists survey what’s happening in the Southern Hemisphere during their winter, and prepares flu […]

Care About Your Health – Get Your Annual Physical Examination – Gregory Whisman MD Carelon Health

Care About Your Health - Get Your Annual Physical Examination - Gregory Whisman MD Carelon Health to a 2024 study by U.S. News & World Report, a little over half of the adults surveyed have recently seen a primary care provider, and many aren’t getting the preventive health screenings and checkups they need. By staying proactive with annual check-ups, Americans can better their chances of maintaining good health and catching potential issues before they […]

The Vaccine that could Save Grandma -RSV- Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD

The Vaccine that Could Save Grandma RSV - Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD Listen now how the RSV can save Grandma and others over the age of 60! We now know RSV is prevalent and deadly in people over the age of 60. Why? Because we’re testing nationally, and finding RSV is deadly not only in babies and young children but also in those over 60, especially […]

Parents – How to Save Your Teen from Meningitis Death – Must Watch

How to Save Your Teen from Meningitis Death Parents!  We are sharing this vitally important information with you to prevent the death of your teen or young adult. Bacterial meningitis is a fast-moving bacterial inflammation of the lining of the brain that can cause death in less than 24 hours.  It is transmitted orally – through some connection with the mouth or […]

Actress Jennifer Beals – 60+? Get Vaccinated for RSV

Actress Jennifer Beals 60+ Get Vaccinated for RSV We think of RSV as a respiratory disease that effects babies and children.  2024 is the second season where this deadly virus has spread to adults.  RSV has caused 170,000 adult hospitalizations and 14,000 adult deaths annually. There is no treatment for RSV once you get it.  It’s a virus that has to run […]