Is the FLU more Deadly than You Think? Leah Smith PharmD CDC GSK

Is the Flu More Deadly than You Think? Leah Smith PharmD CDC GSK Each year, the CDC reports more than 500,000 hospitalizations due to flu (influenza) and life-threatening complications, and 50,000 deaths.   Flu season runs from September to May.  It’s important you get vaccination each year.  Why?  Because the flu virus mutates frequently.  Scientists survey what’s happening in the Southern Hemisphere during their winter, and prepares flu […]

How Project 2025 will Change Healthcare in the United States – Video 8 -Impact on Rural Healthcare

Project 2025 8 Impact on Rural Health Project 2025 aims to reduce federal spending and increase state and private sector control over healthcare. The proposed changes carry significant risks, particularly to the 20% of US residents who live in rural counties. The reduction in federal support for Medicaid, the rollback of ACA provisions, deregulation of private insurance, cuts to preventive services, […]

Whats inside nuts that makes them so healthy – Sammi Haber Brondo RD – CVS WellMarket

Whats inside nuts that makes them so healthy Sammi Haber Brondo CVS WellMarket Are nuts good for you?  You Bet!!People love nuts because of the major health benefits they provide like reducing our risk of heart disease and supporting our immune systems. Nuts pack a nutritious punch of protein and healthy fats, and they are a favorite snack for nearly every type of dietary preference.  They are […]

Care About Your Health – Get Your Annual Physical Examination – Gregory Whisman MD Carelon Health

Care About Your Health - Get Your Annual Physical Examination - Gregory Whisman MD Carelon Health to a 2024 study by U.S. News & World Report, a little over half of the adults surveyed have recently seen a primary care provider, and many aren’t getting the preventive health screenings and checkups they need. By staying proactive with annual check-ups, Americans can better their chances of maintaining good health and catching potential issues before they […]

Improving Health Outcomes with health equity, patient-centered care, value-based care – Jason Spangler MD MPH

Improving Outcomes with Health Equity, Patient-Centered Care Value-Based Care Jason Spangler MD MPH What do these new healthcare terms mean?  Health Equity?  Patient-Centered Care?  Value-Based Care? How will they improve the functioning of our healthcare system, which is fragmented in so many ways?   Will they improve the quality of our care, the teamwork within the office, the teamwork among offices? Will they change the balance from healthcare […]

How to Keep Your Teen Athlete Injury-Free Naomi J Brown MD CHOP

How to Keep Your Teen Athlete Injury-Free - Naomi J Brown MD CHOP More than 2.6 million children and teens go to the Emergency Room with sports injuries each year.Want to keep your kid from being one of them? Experts say establishing a healthy training routine is the key to preventing most injuries. This includes stretching and cooling down, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. Experts also […]

How I Fixed My Sleep Apnea and Got the Best Sleep – Seema Khosla MD

North Dakota Center for Sleep Every night, more than 54 million Americans living with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) stop breathing, exposing themselves to serious, long-term health risks. When untreated, OSA can lead to stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease. Unfortunately, the majority of people with OSA remain undiagnosed.  A new national survey, conducted by Apnimed, revealed that OSA […]

The Vaccine that could Save Grandma -RSV- Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD

The Vaccine that Could Save Grandma RSV - Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD Listen now how the RSV can save Grandma and others over the age of 60! We now know RSV is prevalent and deadly in people over the age of 60. Why? Because we’re testing nationally, and finding RSV is deadly not only in babies and young children but also in those over 60, especially […]