GoToHealth Media Video

How Organizational Health Effects Your Personal Health – Marya Wilson, PhD

We go to work every day, and spend one third of our lives making a living, interacting with others, and conforming to organizational norms.  We want to feel valued and honored in our place of work, so that we know the work we are doing is productive and appreciated.

Yet how many places of work recognize the value and input of their staffs?  According to research, one third of us feel uncomfortable and insecure in expressing our feelings and opinions in improving productivity and quality of life on the job.

Marya Wilson, PhD is an organizational psychologist specializing in the pressures of the workplace, what makes work environments healthy and unhealthy, and helping individuals and teams at all levels in the organization  be their most productive and satisfied while building successful businesses.

She says organizations go under stress when management is uncertain or non-communicative about the big picture and the “how” of achieving business goals, when teams and individuals are not asked how it’s going, what barriers there might be, and what resources are needed to break through those barriers.

This can be particularly true during times of change, due to surprises, turbulence, or even planned organizational redesign – just when the organization needs to perform at its best – but is hindered by unclear leadership, reduced communications, fear of change and the future, and cracking of social contracts and trust.

Is your organization healthy?  Is your organization suffering from troubles and effecting your health – physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual?

Dr. Marya Wilson of MWAdvising offers a helping hand to employers, employees and teams working at all levels of the organization to improve organizational health.

If you need help, write her an email or give her a call:

Phone: 651-560-0659

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About Your Presenter

Marya Wilson PhD
Organizational Psychologist at MW Advising | 651-560-0659 | | Website | + more

Marya Wilson, PhD is the Principal Advising.  Marya has an extensive business and industry career in the areas of manufacturing, information management, telecommunications, ISP, and the semiconductor industries of the Silicon Valley, CA at the companies 3M, Imation, and Pentagon Technologies and various others.  She is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She teaches in the areas of organizational leadership and behavior, operations management, quality management, training and development, and sustainable management. Her research interests include psychological contracts, trust and emotions in the workplace, and organizational exit. Her current research involves the understanding of the lived experience for professionals who are pushed out of their career.  Marya serves the manufacturing, service, higher education, non-profit, and government sectors. She brings not only first-hand knowledge to the learning experience but also a clear understanding of the underlying emotional processes that drive behaviors and create individual and team success. She has a BA in Psychology, MS in Management Technology, MA in Human Development, and a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems.