GoToHealth Media Video

How Project 2025 will Change Healthcare in the United States – 9 Project 2025 is Bad for Healthcare

The Project 2025 Library

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This is Video 9, the final in our series How Project 2025 will Change Healthcare in the United States.

From all our research we have to say, Project 2025 for healthcare is simply a bad idea.

In this video we review:

  1. The heavy effects of Project 2025 on Red States
  2. The rollback of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Obamacare
  3. The deregulation of private insurance
  4. The rollback of Medicare and Medicaid
  5. Abortion outlawed nationally, and all pregnancies monitored
  6. The reduction in Public Health Programs
  7. The further challenges to the Rural Health System

We also highlight the deep effects Project 2025 will have on our doctors and healthcare providers themselves:

  1. Increasing stress and uncertainty
  2. Reduction in funds for training
  3. The increased risks of maternity and abortion care

This is a must-watch video on the long-term and deep negative effects Project 2025 will have on healthcare in the United States.

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