As we age, seniors have a tendency to gain unhealthy weight and develop skin problems, both of which can effect self-esteem as well as overall health.
Sherry Scott, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, shares two popular science-backed products from Isagenix, used by thousands of people worldwide to help them lose weight (and keep it off!), fight cravings, increase lean muscle mass, improve nutrition, stress less, sleep better, and look better.
Weight Management for Seniors with IsaLean Shakes
Clearer Skin for Seniors with Collagen Elixir
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About Your Presenter
Sherry Scott is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant who represents Isagenix, a premier supplement company offering weight management products, beauty and skin care products, and targeted health products for specific conditions including sleep issues, detox, digestion issues, energy and improved immunity.
Her presentation with GoToHealth focuses on the IsaLean shake for weight loss and the Collagen Elixir for improved and beautiful skin.
Collagen Elixir Link
Isalean Shake
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