How Project 2025 will Effect Healthcare in the United States Video 2: Red States v Blue States

How Project 2025 will Effect Healthcare in Red States v Blue StatesChange Healthcare in the United States - Red States v Blue States Part 2 in our Continuing Series How Red States and Blue States are prepared to adapt to Project 2025 – The Presidential Transition Project – the Conservative Promise. In this video, we highlight three topics: The major differences in disease and mortality rates in Red States vs. Blue States, Household incomes, Medicaid coverages, and […]

Senior Health and Wellness with Supplements – Isagenix – Sherry Scott CHN

Senior Health and Wellness with Supplements Sherry Scott Isagenix

As we age, seniors have a tendency to gain unhealthy weight and develop skin problems, both of which can effect self-esteem as well as overall health. Sherry Scott, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, shares two popular science-backed products from Isagenix, used by thousands of people worldwide to help them lose weight (and keep it off!), fight cravings, […]