Healthy Boundaries: A Must for Mental Health – Glen Alex, LCSW
Let’s have an honest conversation about stress, anxiety and depression.They are not simply symptoms of family history or chemical imbalance. Often I’ve seen in my practice that these expressions of poor mental health are caused by poor, weak, or NO boundaries.I’ve seen so many cases of how poor boundaries contribute to poor mental health.But saying […]
Meditation as a Way Out of Fear – Beth Shaw YogaFit
For more than a year we’ve been living in a world where fear has become the norm. We receive subtle and not-so-subtle messages communicating fear, leaving us concerned about our health, uncertain about being around others, isolated physically, mentally, or both, and worried about the future. The world has changed. A new norm is on […]
Hypnosis for Vibrant Health and Energy – Dianna Whitley
Enjoy the FREE Hypnotherapy Session in this Video. conscious mind handles 5-7 things at a time. Our SUB-conscious mind handles thousands. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?There’s a lot that goes right – in keeping us safe and learned in the world. And there’s a lot we outgrow over time… and it doesn’t serve us […]
How Vitamins and Nutrients Help Brain Health – New Brain Nutrition – Alexander Haege, MD
Did you know your brain is the most active organ in your body, and uses more than 50% of the nutrients you take in? It’s true. In this video, Alexander Haege, MD shares the role vitamins and nutrients play in enabling our brain to work optimally. Dr. Haege is part of a large EU-funded research […]
How Exercise Keeps Your Brain Healthy – New Brain Nutrition – Silke Matura, PhD We usually think that exercise helps our body, but it helps our brain too. Did you know that your brain is the most active organ in your body and uses more than 50% of all the nutrients you feed yourself? But how much exercise? How often? And what kind of exercise? Silke Matura, PhD, […]
How Diet and Lifestyle Affect Your Mental Health – New Brain Nutrition – Alejandro Arias-Vasquez PhD
How Diet and Lifestyle Affect Your Mental Health Want to learn more about how to achieve and maintain optimal health? Your brain function and brain health are intimately and directly tied to your gut health. More than 50% of your nutrient intake is used by the most active organ in your body – your brain! […]
Clinical Trials and how they work in making new medicines – Research Data Support, LLC
Do you want to know more about how drugs and medical devices get tested before they get released to the market? How about their safety? How about their effectiveness? Joseph Sameh, President of Research Data Support, LLC, shares his expertise and experience (great stories included!) with us in this interview on: clinical trials and how […]
Cancer The Integrative Perspective – Filmmaker Nathan Crane
Award-winning producer and filmmaker Nathan Crane shares the story behind his quest to research and learn everything there is to know about cancer therapy and integrative medicine. His film, Cancer The Integrative Perspective is a testament to his persistence and dedication to helping as many people as possible understand the facts about cancer: It is […]
Colon Hydrotherapy – Amazing Healing Waters – Jolli Neal
A healthy gut is the primary vehicle for your health, energy, adequate rest, and daily comfort. Have indigestion, cramping, constipation, diarrhea? Feeling weak and lousy? It’s worth getting your gut in better shape as a first place to start. You might go for the cleanse, the enema, the laxatives. They might provide temporary symptom relief, […]
“Tenacity in Children” Book Interview – Sam Goldstein PhD and Robert Brooks PhD
Tenacity in Children First, you have to share this interview with friends, parents, teachers, counselors – anyone who wants to help a child develop more productively. Sam Goldstein PhD and Robert Brooks PhD have collaborated on their fourteenth book, and this one outlines the three survival instincts in humans from birth which don’t serve us […]