Enjoy the FREE Hypnotherapy Session in this Video.
Our SUB-conscious mind handles thousands.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
There’s a lot that goes right – in keeping us safe and learned in the world.
And there’s a lot we outgrow over time… and it doesn’t serve us well today.
Our Guest Dianna Whitley knows how to help you turn off those old tapes and create new experiences and paths to bring us into greater health. Through hypnotherapy.
She is a certified hypnotherapist and coach with 25 years’ experience who has run large centers throughout California, helping over 7,000 people achieve more satisfying and productive lives. Since 2019, before COVID, Dianna has been providing online hypnotherapy via ZOOM to individual clients, which is often more powerful than in-person. Why? (She’ll explain.)
Does hypnotherapy work? Yes. As proven by scientific research and satisfied clients.
Hypnotherapy enables your body and conscious mind to relax so that your unconscious mind can receive, process, and adapt new messages YOU CHOOSE to improve your life!
Dianna is accepting new clients.
(714) 331-6699
Enjoy a FREE 30-minute
ZOOM consultation
session with Dianna.
Receive a FREE copy
of the
guided hypnotherapy
in the video on this page.
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About Your Presenter
Hypnotherapist and Coach at Get Results with Hypnosis | 714-331-6699 | diannawhitley@gmail.com | Website | + moreBio
Dianna Whitley is a certified hypnotherapist and coach with 25 years’ experience who has run large centers throughout California, helping over 7,000 people achieve more satisfying and productive lives. Since 2019, before COVID, Dianna has been providing hypnotherapy online via ZOOM to individual clients. http://www.getresultswithhypnosis.com/
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