How do we recognize, acknowledge, and heal burnout, especially in healthcare?
Mamta Gautam, MD and psychiatrist to health professionals, has seen the Covid pandemic first hand through the eyes of the medical professionals she serves. The healthcare system, like our world, has been called VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous. For many of us, and particularly healthcare professionals, and especially women among them, this environment has created enormous burnout, which develops in three stages.
In this presentation, Dr. Gautam describes the three stages of burnout and how to recognize them in oneself and others. She discusses her journey to creating wellness programs for doctors, being a leader in this field, and caps off the show with her 5 C’s of resilience – the steps we can take from burnout to joy, by reframing what we do have control over. We are not victims of our environment, but rather have control over our emotions, interpretations and actions, even in what seems like an uncontrollable situation.
Dr. Gautam sees patients privately, hosts rejuvenating Momentum retreats for women physicians, and hosts an online community supporting the health professions called The Raft.
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About Your Presenter
Dr. Mamta Gautam is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, consultant, certified coach, author and speaker, based in Ottawa, Canada.. Focused on Professional Health and Well-being since 1990, she is a trailblazer in this field and is known as the “The Doctor’s Doctor”. In the past 2 decades, she has expanded her work to include Leadership Development to better address system-level factors that impact the wellness of healthcare workers. She has created podcasts and videos on these topics, and authored articles, book chapters, and 2 international best-selling books. She brings this knowledge and expertise to PEAK MD, through which she delivers keynote presentations and workshops, consults to healthcare organizations and coaches senior medical leaders internationally.
Dr. Gautam is committed to advancing diversity in medicine, and facilitates leadership development for women in medicine. She has developed and co-leads Momentum, a 6-day retreat for women in medicine; and recently founded The Raft, an accredited online platform for leadership development, peer support and community for women physicians.
She is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards for her innovative work to support and mentor her healthcare colleagues, and has been awarded Distinguished Fellowships in both the Canadian and American Psychiatric Associations.
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