Video Production Services
Video is a powerful medium for communication because it engages multiple senses with picture, voice, music, graphics, emotion. We’ve been producing medical and health videos since 2001. 700,000+ views on our ADHD YouTUBE channel. We’ve created a variety of styles for a variety of clients.
How can we help make you "famous" with video?
Let's brainstorm solutions.
Sample Services we provide to reach your audience:
- LIVE video shoot
- Digital graphics and image video
- Audio and video interview of Key Speaker (great for meetings and promotions)
- Lecture / Learning series
- Record a CME Session
- Editing
- YouTube Channel creation, posting, optimization

Samples of Videos created for clients.
Video from our recent “Crushing Cancer” GoToHealth Show.
Live Action video for our client New Brain Nutrition.
Voice-over video to promote a recent blog for ADHDinAdults.
Audio interview with annotations. Great for promoting the upcoming APSARD meeting. 14,000 views.