Work Out Your Fat Shame with Bevin’s Fat Kid Dance Party

Work Out Your Fat Shame with Bevin's Fat Kid Dance Party

Are you embarrassed about your weight, the shape of your body, being out of shape, or disabled in some way? So many folks are out of touch with their bodies due to shame. If shame created health results, then everyone would be thin in a society that stigmatizes fat bodies.But shame keeps us inactive, hidden, […]

Self Healing with Stem Cell Therapy – Anthony Hartley MBA MedAdvisor

Are you suffering from knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain?Did you know there is a proven alternative to surgery? This is amazing. Our body produces stem cells which are used throughout life to heal injury. Medical technology is now able to extract your own stem cells, process them, and inject them back into your body […]

Pain Free without Drugs or Surgery – Jessica Leggio Biomechanics

Pain Free without Drugs or Surgery Jessica Leggio

Do you have chronic pain that the doctor, surgeon and chiropractor can’t fix? Are you tired of the side effects of endless pain medication and injections? Are you the weekend warrior or serious athlete who wants to recover and be an athelete again? Would you like to attain the dream of living pain free? Our […]

Whole Person Diagnosis and Treatment – Daciana Iancu, MD – Integrative Medicine

Whole Person Diagnosis and Treatment - Daciana Iancu MD

Would you value a physician who sits down with you for a long appointment to hear your full situation? Would you like a physician who evaluates not only your physical health, but your energy, connection to others, and how you approach the world spiritually? We’re talking here about integrative medicine – the combining of Western […]

Healthy Boundaries: A Must for Mental Health – Glen Alex, LCSW

Healthy Boundaries A Must for Mental Health - Glen Alex LCSW

Let’s have an honest conversation about stress, anxiety and depression.They are not simply symptoms of family history or chemical imbalance. Often I’ve seen in my practice that these expressions of poor mental health are caused by poor, weak, or NO boundaries.I’ve seen so many cases of  how poor boundaries contribute to poor mental health.But saying […]

Meditation as a Way Out of Fear – Beth Shaw YogaFit

Meditation as a Way Out of Fear - Beth Shaw

For more than a year we’ve been living in a world where fear has become the norm. We receive subtle and not-so-subtle messages communicating fear, leaving us concerned about our health, uncertain about being around others, isolated physically, mentally, or both, and worried about the future. The world has changed. A new norm is on […]

Hypnosis for Vibrant Health and Energy – Dianna Whitley

Hypnosis for Vibrant Health and Energy - Dianna Whitley

Enjoy the FREE Hypnotherapy Session in this Video. conscious mind handles 5-7 things at a time. Our SUB-conscious mind handles thousands. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?There’s a lot that goes right – in keeping us safe and learned in the world. And there’s a lot we outgrow over time… and it doesn’t serve us […]