GoToHealth Media Video

Mental Health Awareness
Reducing Stigma, Seeking Support
James Polo, MD

While the topic of mental health has become less taboo in recent years, many still struggle to talk about it or seek out help. Data from the National Institute of Mental Health revealed that less than half of adults with mental illnesses (only 47%) received mental health services in 2021.

Words matter, and one of the best ways to reduce the stigma around mental health is to talk about it openly, with inclusive language, and encourage others to do the same. Thursday, May 16 is Mental Health Action Day, and it encourages and empowers people to take action for themselves, their loved ones, and their community.

Dr. Polo discusses the importance of remembering that the mind and body are connected.  The poor condition of one can lead to the poor condition of the other.  He reminds us that mental illness is not a stigma, but rather a condition that needs to be talked about, managed, and healed, just the way we handle any other health condition.  Mental issues are a part of life, and the best way to deal with them is seeking professional help, often beginning with your personal or family doctor.

He offers advice on how to find a therapist, how to work with one, and knowing that in case of a mental health crisis, all you need to do is dial 988.

Carelon Behavioral Health offers clinical mental health and substance use disorder management, a comprehensive employee assistance program, work/life support, specialty programs for autism and depression, and insightful analytics to improve the delivery of care for federal, state and local governments, health plans, and employers. It has been delivering high-quality behavioral healthcare for more than 40 years across all 50 states.  For more information, visit

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James Polo, MD
Chief Medical Officer at  | Website |  + more

Dr. James Polo, Chief Medical Officer of Carelon Behavioral Health,  is responsible for leading the development of CBH’s medical policies, protocols, criteria, and guidelines and specializes in organizational healthcare consulting and hospital and behavioral health system leadership. Dr. Polo has more than  30 years of healthcare experience in the commercial and military arenas. Dr. Polo also proudly served in the United States Army.