Mental Health Awareness – Reducing Stigma, Seeking Support

James Polo MD Mental Health Action Day GoToHealth Media

Mental Health AwarenessReducing Stigma, Seeking Support James Polo, MD While the topic of mental health has become less taboo in recent years, many still struggle to talk about it or seek out help. Data from the National Institute of Mental Health revealed that less than half of adults with mental illnesses (only 47%) received mental health services […]

Important Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet – Jordi Salas Salvado MD

Important Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet Jordi Salas MD

Clinical trials of The Mediterranean Diet show Important Health Benefits Clinical trials of the Mediterranean Diet show important health benefits – both physically and mentally. The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, fish, some chicken, and olive oil – all foods readily available in the Mediterranean region. Dr. Jordi Salas Salvado, MD has […]