Adaptive vs Maladaptive Impulsivity – Jaanus Harro MD PhD – New Brain Nutrition

Adaptive and Maladaptive Impulsivity Jaanus Harro New Brain Nutrition

The New Brain Nutrition project, a consortium of 18 European University Hospitals, has conducted clinical research on how lifestyle and nutrition effect mental health. Jaanus Harro, MD PhD, Professor of Psychophysiology at the University of Tartu, discusses the longitudinal research (following participants from 15 years of age until 35 years) he had conducted on what […]

Why Lifestyle Intervention is Key to Mental Health

Why Lifestyle Intervention is Key for Mental Health - Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga MD When we think of mental health and associated services, we usually think of various kinds of mental health therapy. We are learning however that our brain function is really a part of our body, and that many things good for the body are also good for the brain. Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, MD is the […]