Turning Burnout Into Joy – The Power of Resilience – Mamta Gautam, MD

Turning Burnout into Joy Mamta Gautam MD

How do we recognize, acknowledge, and heal burnout, especially in healthcare? Mamta Gautam, MD and psychiatrist to health professionals, has seen the Covid pandemic first hand through the eyes of the medical professionals she serves. The healthcare system, like our world, has been called VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous.  For many of us, and particularly […]

01-2 Forgetful and Disorganized? Old Age or ADHD? David W Goodman MD

Forgetful and disorganized? Old Age or ADHD?

Visit Dr. Goodman’s website Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is commonly associated with children who are inattentive, distractible, impulsive, and fidgety. However, ADHD persists for many children into adulthood and older age. Unfortunately few clinicians are aware of this lifelong disorder and easily discount memory and attention decline to getting older. ADHD in older adults occurs […]