07 The Afterlife Connection Dr Jane Greer PhD
Dr. Jane Greer, PhD, shares how those of us living can be in touch with and get messages from those who have passed. Dr. Greer is a classically trained psychotherapist and knows the healing that can take place for so many when we are open to peoples’ energies and communications. This is a touching and […]
06 Arthritis and Stem Cell Therapy – Anthony Hartley MBA
Anthony Hartley, MBA from https://medadvisor.co helps us understand the new technology of Regenerative Medicine and how it is helping patients with arthritis without the need for surgery. This is an exciting new solution using the latest methods of stem cell therapy.
06 Arthritis and Exercise – Trina Wiggins MD
Dr. Trina Wiggins offers numerous non-prescription recommendations to exercising with arthritis, managing and reducing associated pain, and motivating yourself to stay in the best of health. You can reach her, and order her book at https://trinawiggins.com.
05 Psychology of Empowerment – Brian Gruber Surmountable
To learn more, and buy Brian Gruber’s book “Surmountable,” visit https://surmountable.org/
04 Writing Readably About Research – Barbara Gastel MD MPH
To learn more about Dr. Gastel visit her on LinkedIN. To learn more about techniques of medical writing and communications, visit Medical Writing Network.
03-1 Build a Better Brain with Nutrition part 1 – Julia Rucklidge PhD
Segment 1: Julia Rucklidge, PhD, shares the latest information on the vital role your nutrition plays in the health and functioning of your brain, the most metabolically active organ in your body. 40% of what you consume goes to supporting your brain processes, so feed your brain well.
03-2 Build a Better Brain with Nutrition part 2 – Julia Rucklidge PhD
Segment 2: Julia Rucklidge, PhD continues the discussion on brain health with a focus on her newly published book, “The Better Brain“, in which she and co-author Bonnie Kaplan, PhD go into great detail on what nutrients and micro-nutrients your brain needs, with helpful recipes to guide you on your way.
03-3 8 Weeks to Wellness – Sheila Z Stirling PhD
Segment 3: Sheila Z. Stirling, PhD discusses her “8 Weeks to Wellness” program in which participants follow a custom-guided program to change the quality of their blood, reduce symptoms of disease, and improve the quality of life through improved nutrition, herbal remedies, and stress reduction.
02-1 Staying Fit through the Decades – Trina Wiggins MD
Join Trina Wiggins, MD as she takes you on a guided tour of her life spanning more than half of a century. She shows how she navigated staying fit during each decade despite the demands of my career and family. At the end of the tour, you will clearly see how easy it is to […]
02-2 Wellness Tips for Spring – Sheila Z Stirling PhD
Sheila Z. Stirling, PhD leads our journey into Spring. What the changes in the season mean to the changes in our bodies. How to enjoy Spring, with seasonal tips on allergies and some simple ways to make them go away. We will also discuss how to boost your immune system to avoid seasonal viruses. Answering questions as we go into the spring […]